5 Ways to tell if you Need a Career Change
Should you quit your job? Do you need a career change or is it just a momentary blip of dissatisfaction? Take a look to see if any of these tell-tale signs describe how you are feeling:…
Should you quit your job? Do you need a career change or is it just a momentary blip of dissatisfaction? Take a look to see if any of these tell-tale signs describe how you are feeling:…
Mentors are an important part of our career development as an entrepreneur or employee, and here’s a great article on how to do so: https://www.newshifts.com/blog-post/want-to-find-a-great-mentor-heres-how/ Image used with consent of New Shifts
Which countries have the best higher education? Find out here from another article by my friend Kai Chan: https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2017/05/which-countries-provide-their-citizens-with-the-best-higher-education
Thinking of picking up another language? Here’s a list of the most powerful languages to help you decide which one to learn: https://knowledge.insead.edu/leadership-organisations/the-worlds-most-powerful-languages-6156
As it’s not easy taking that big step to move outside of your current role and comfort zone, here are some helpful tips on how to get started: https://www.newshifts.com/blog-post/how-to-make-a-successful-career-change/ Image used with consent of…
An interesting article written by my illustrious friend Kai Chan: https://knowledge.insead.edu/responsibility/a-new-global-measure-of-gender-progress-5881
“Success is a lousy teacher. It seduces smart people into thinking they can’t lose”. – Bill Gates ““Without commitment, you will never start; without consistency, you will never finish. If it were easy… there would…
By: Jocelyn Kope The Red Hot Chilli Peppers were onto something when they released a song called Scar Tissue in 1999. Everyone has scars, and all too often they’re overlooked as a potential source…
This research was presented at the International Conference on Education and Workforce Development (ICEWD) 2017 in Abu Dhabi on April 4th with the above poster. Here is the abstract: The aim of this study is…
“So many people live within unhappy circumstances and yet will not take the initiative to change their situation because they are conditioned to a life of security, conformity, and conservation, all of which may appear…